Responsible detoxing has health benefits
Detoxing. Before going to extremes such as depriving your body of nutrients only to see yourself grabbing a slab of double cream chocolate on day 4, it is important to realise the importance of clean eating and responsible detoxing. What is responsible detoxing? There might be more than one answer, but by eating a good combination of fibre and fresh produce, you will keep up your energy up, and cleanse and detoxify your body in a safe and controlled manner. Going on starving “diets” is NOT the healthy way to detox and we strongly advise against it. Think “clean eating” and you are halfway there!
- ♦Detoxing is one of the most basic automatic functions of the body. It is a process of eliminating and neutralising toxins through metabolism, bowel movements, perspiration and urinating.
- ♦ Many factors can impact the body’s natural functions; unhealthy eating habits, pollution, chemicals and processed foods all have an impact on our body functions and our bodies might find it difficult to keep up.
- ♦Toxins build up and get stuck in our body tissue. A detox programme will boost vitality by assisting the body to get rid of all toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lymph and skin.
- ♦Did you know that your body will try to protect you from the built-up toxins, by setting it aside and surrounding it with mucous and fat so that it will not cause an imbalance and trigger an immune response. This can lead to excess weight!
❝ See detoxing as a spring clean for your organs!
- ♦ A 5-7 day programme will already see your body eliminating toxins.
- ♦ There are also longer, 21-day programmes.
- ♦ The important thing to remember when you decide to embark on a detox programme: keep it simple and ensure you get enough nutrients in the form of fibre, fruit and veggies.
- ♦ We recommend a detox at least once a year, but some people benefit from detoxing with each season.
- ♦ We strongly advise that you get the support, advice and supervision of a trained professional (dietician or doctor) to assist you in a programme.
- ♦ Cleansing and detoxing are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
- ♦ Whether you can follow a healthy detox programme will depend on your health conditions.
- ♦ Plan your detox with your diary
Make sure you do not have an exam, important meeting or lots of responsibilities during your detox. You might suffer from headaches and other symptoms. Most people experience the worst symptoms on day 3. IDEA: start your detox on a Thursday, day 3 will fall on a Saturday
- ♦ Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats
Focus on clean eating – fresh fruit and veggies. Alcohol, caffeine and salts tend to dehydrate the body.
- ♦ Go shopping
Fill your basket with fresh greens, veggies and get ideas for good detox recipes on the web. You will be less tempted to break your programme if you are stocked up on healthy alternatives at home and at the office.
- ♦ Stock up on Herbex Detox products
Our detox range was specifically designed to assist your detox. You can choose from tablets, drops or a concentrate. Swap your morning and afternoon drink with our Detox Tea and benefit from the detox herbs. TREAT: we even have a detox bath salt. Read more about our detox products here
- ♦ Prepare your mind
Some people find it easier than others to detox. If you are generally healthy, you might not suffer from severe detox symptoms and will probably find it easy to follow. If you have never done a detox before, go easy on yourself. It might be tough at times, but think of the wonderful health benefits! If you are really struggling, do 3 days followed by a “normal” eating week (you can follow our Herbex Eating Plan). After a week or two, try again.
❝ Find motivation to keep you going. It can be a friend, a club, a motivation newsletter.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep the motivation strong!
- ♦ Fresh fruit and lots of vegetables
- ♦ Beans and lentils
- ♦ Oats
- ♦ Fresh fish
- ♦ Unsalted nuts
- ♦ Honey
- ♦ Salt
- ♦ Sugar
- ♦ Red meat, chicken
- ♦ Alcohol
- ♦ Ready-made meals
- ♦ Sauces – like mayonnaise, tomato sauce
❝Download our Detox eating plan – this 3-day plan can be used in conjunction with our products.
- ♦ Drink lots of water
- ♦ Do light exercise like yoga, stretching and walking
- ♦ Start on a Wednesday or Thursday. You will feel your “worst” on day 3, so it helps if it is on a weekend. Read more here on what detox symptoms you can expect
- ♦ Put the salt and sauces down and add variety to your food by adding spices and herbs; basil, cinnamon, garlic, turmeric, rosemary and dried red pepper.
- ♦ Get involved with your meals – make your own soup and smoothies
- ♦ Take a bath – hot water will draw toxins from your body. You will also benefit from the thermotherapy (heat helps muscles and mind relax)
How many table spoons of the liquid detox do I add to 1 litre of water?
Hi Donna, you need to mix 15ml – thats five teaspoons
What happens if u on a herbex detox 21 days program is done and the is stil detox in the bottle then what do I do